lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


Terminando 113 reportes en Cognos 8.4, validando las salidas contra lo que dan en su versión antigua de 7.3. Terminando un obligatorio de BBDD del cual dejé tirados a mis compañeros el domingo por tener el cumpleaños de Paula. Intento ayudar un poco completando la parte de normalización.
Espero sea suficiente, no quiero que se calienten mucho mas de lo que están!!

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008

Howard is Lazy. But he makes $100k a year on auto-pilot from a site that took him 3 days to finish. Find out how YOU can be LAZY but RICH too!
Hey, What's up!I'm Howard and Yes, I'm lazy but I'm also RICH....and in just a few moments you'll find out how much easy, easy money you are missing out on right now! I could hardly believe that I was missing out, but I know now and I'm happier than I've ever been. Maybe you've tried some of those 'get rich quick' programs and you're fed up with them.... Guess what?....SO was I!!!
They don't work for one reason, they try to make WAY too much money, WAY too fast. But they're easy to sell, so that's why there are so many of them out there. But I don't want to be part of the problem, I want to help people and that's one reason I set up this site. I was sick of all the garbage out there on the internet.
So I'm not going to show you how to make $50,000 a day working only an hour a day like those programs promise. I'm going to show you how to make $400 bucks a day doing absolutely NOTHING! Basically, you may work for 3 to 5 days for several hours and then everything will be done, and then you'll just start raking in your cash. And there's nothing multi-level or pyramidy about it. You won't have to recruit anyone, this is just a real business selling products and you're the middle-man.
My first site literally only took 3 DAYS to complete and by the third month I was making right around $10k per month, doing NOTHING. Everything was on AUTO-PILOT!!!
My site was raking in loads of $CASH$ while I was watching Survivor: Panama and Lost!!!
You see, when we were trying all those other programs WE didn't fail. We were just trying to make WAY too much money WAY too fast!
What YOU want to do to START off is to make enough money to get yourself out of debt, take a nice vacation, maybe buy a new car, but most importantly - You want to have as much TIME as you need to sit on your ass and do nothing!!!
That way you can either sit on your ass and do nothing like ME, OR you can spend a couple hours a month duplicating your success and probably be a millionaire within a year or so. The choice is yours. Me, I'm lazy so it'll take me longer.
So How did I get Lazy but Rich???
Well, I've always been lazy. Unfortunately, everyone in my family was a workaholic, so they loved to make me feel guilty about it. And I did feel guilty... For a loooong time. But a weird thing happened a few years back.....
I embraced my laziness, I accepted it, I began to love it. I started to sleep in late and not care. Instead of feeling guilty, I actually started to feel good about being lazy. Great, even!The rest of my friends were getting up at 8am and going to work all day. I got up at noon and watched game-shows and court TV...
I figured that if my entire family (not to mention everyone I know) gets up at 8am and goes to work all day (year in and year out) and NONE of them are rich, then I should probably do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they're doing.
Now I won't bore you with the details, but I'm rich now because I changed my attitude about work. I embraced my laziness. I guess in the back of my mind, I'd always had the idea that I wanted to make a lot of money without really having to work at it. I'll go out on a limb here and say that maybe you've had that same idea. But you, like me, probably didn't realize how easy it really is to get rich without doing anything. But guess what my IS easy!
Want Proof??? Check this out!!!
Now let me put something into perspective here. How much money do you want? You can have as much as you want but there comes a point where you might have to begin actually working more to get there. Personally, if I can make 10 to 15 grand a month without working then I'm fine. I know I could make more, but I'm not really into buying "things" and I'm certainly not into more work.....
I like to experience life. I like to be free. AND don't forget, I'm extremely LAZY!The five minutes I've spent writing this so far is probably the most work (if you can call it "work") that I've done all month. But hey, I'm mostly just amusing myself. Okay so I will give you a hint at how I got rich without really doing anything. I started out by reading a lot of ebooks. I mean a lot! I was looking for the one that would make me rich. And a lot of them promised the world but delivered very little in the way of actual real world useful information.I'd spent 100's of dollars and was still eating bologna sandwiches and mac and cheese. My credit cards were getting maxed out. But I didn't care, I was embracing my laziness and it felt good. I knew in my heart that it was only a matter of time before I would have enough money to get out of debt and make a lot more money than I could spend. I just didn't realize how close I was....That's when I found this guys ebook, The Rich Jerk. I instantly knew it was different from all the other crap. Why? Because, first off, he showed me EXACTLY what to do to make REAL Money on the Internet, Fast. Also, he made me laugh and the guy was straight up. No BS, like the other programs I'd seen.
Seriously, there are a lot of scams on the Internet today. You have to be really careful, not just for the money you spend, but the time that you spend putting a site together and using some of those fly-by-night strategies... But I can assure you 100% that The Rich Jerk is the real deal. It may not make you a millionaire overnight, but it will get you started in that direction.
And it's not a very long read. Just 5 brilliant ways to make money on the internet.
If I had not found this ebook I'm certain I would still be in debt up to my eyeballs. Why? Because I'm just too incredibly lazy to get a 'real job' and pay it off. And hey, I'm still lazy. But now I get to do whatever I want while being lazy.
Some Testimonials from the Rich Jerk
I've never made ANY money online. My monthly salary in my country is US $300. After reading your book I've already started making money. So far in November I've earned a total of $2,712 in NET PROFIT. Well, $2,712 is a LOT of profit for me! But, I'm confident the earning will increase!Kiantoro Lie - Indonesia
I just wanted to say thanks for providing such excellent advice. I didn't know anything at all about making websites 6 months ago. I read your ebook, started a site, and by just using one of your techiniques I made $1,400 last month on one site. Now that I know what I'm doing, the sky is the limit. Thanks again!Jesse Witham
The Rich Jerk may be a rich jerk, but I know his book is good. Using just one of his ideas on Page 13 I made $2,500.....Last week. Jeff Mulligan
I'd always wanted to travel but never had the money. Now I have both the time and money to go anywhere. Just this year, I've been to Barcelona for 2 weeks, Paris for a a week, the south of France, Boston, L.A. and Las Vegas. Vegas 3 times! Great place to spend money! And I'm a pretty decent poker player but I don't make any money at it. Who cares, I'm rich! I don't need to.
Let me show you really quickly what I'm talking about... Here are a couple of statements from the site that took me 3 days to set up....
The site was built in late September.
And this is just ONE technique from The Rich Jerk that I'm using. This site literally took me 3 days to set up and (to be totally honest) there's nothing clever about it. I know I could make more of these sites and probably make ten times the amount, but as you know, I'm lazy!I'm positive that YOU could do much better than I have because there's no way possible that you're as lazy as I am. Honestly, I don't care if you make more money than me. I'm doing this to bankroll my lazy lifestyle. Maybe you'd like to support a charity or something noble like that. That'd be great!!!
But if you are at all lazy or just want to stop working at your regular job or you just want more time to do whatever you want to do then click the link below and get the Rich Jerk eBook. You could be reading it in just a few minutes and on your way to a LAZY but RICH lifestyle like mine.
Just try one of his techniques and you'll be on your way. And oh yeah, there's a great community message board that you can only access if you own the book. You'll find a lot of other people there that are making loads of money and will show you how to go about setting up your own site etc etc. So if you're just starting out it's extremely easy.
Don't wait another minute. Don't let your laziness or procrastination NOW get in the way of your being able to procrastinate and be as lazy as you want for the rest of your life!!!
Getting richer and loving it,
Howard Saunders (Lazy but Rich!)
P.S. Last year it was really hard for me to shell out the $200 bucks for the Rich Jerk, but as you can see, I'm definitely glad I did! I can hardly believe the discount he's offering it for now. But even though it's way cheaper now (I mean WAY cheaper), don't let that keep you from putting at least ONE of the 5 strategies to work. The value is still there even if you are getting it for much less. And I want you to have the same success with it that I have!
P.P.S. The Rich Jerk just finished a new infomercial and is now offering the Rich Jerk in a 'Booklet with CD' format that you can have shipped to you. Personally I'd get the ebook because you get it INSTANTLY (and you get free updates for life PLUS the use of the private message board)... With the shipping cost it ends up being the same price anyway. BUT, because of the new infomercial there's no telling how much longer the eBook will be available to the public. He may even have stopped selling them already. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled a stunt like that. (After all, he is a jerk). You can click here to check:
Click here for more info on the Ebook Format
If by the time you read this, there aren't any eBooks left, Not To Worry, you can still get the Rich Jerk shipped to you by going here.
Click here if you'd prefer Rich Jerk shipped to you by Mail in 7-10 days
And both of them give you a full 60 day Risk Free Trial. If you're making a few hundred bucks per day within a week, like I was though, then you won't really need that. But if by some crazy cosmic weirdness you are actually lazier than I am, then maybe it'd be nice to have that safety net.
Keep in mind, this guy IS a jerk (You'll find out why when you click through to his website). But don't let that stop you from letting HIM make YOU RICH!!!.
Howard is Lazy. But he makes $100k a year on auto-pilot from a site that took him 3 days to finish. Find out how YOU can be LAZY but RICH too!
Hey, What's up!I'm Howard and Yes, I'm lazy but I'm also RICH....and in just a few moments you'll find out how much easy, easy money you are missing out on right now! I could hardly believe that I was missing out, but I know now and I'm happier than I've ever been. Maybe you've tried some of those 'get rich quick' programs and you're fed up with them.... Guess what?....SO was I!!!
They don't work for one reason, they try to make WAY too much money, WAY too fast. But they're easy to sell, so that's why there are so many of them out there. But I don't want to be part of the problem, I want to help people and that's one reason I set up this site. I was sick of all the garbage out there on the internet.
So I'm not going to show you how to make $50,000 a day working only an hour a day like those programs promise. I'm going to show you how to make $400 bucks a day doing absolutely NOTHING! Basically, you may work for 3 to 5 days for several hours and then everything will be done, and then you'll just start raking in your cash. And there's nothing multi-level or pyramidy about it. You won't have to recruit anyone, this is just a real business selling products and you're the middle-man.
My first site literally only took 3 DAYS to complete and by the third month I was making right around $10k per month, doing NOTHING. Everything was on AUTO-PILOT!!!
My site was raking in loads of $CASH$ while I was watching Survivor: Panama and Lost!!!
You see, when we were trying all those other programs WE didn't fail. We were just trying to make WAY too much money WAY too fast!
What YOU want to do to START off is to make enough money to get yourself out of debt, take a nice vacation, maybe buy a new car, but most importantly - You want to have as much TIME as you need to sit on your ass and do nothing!!!
That way you can either sit on your ass and do nothing like ME, OR you can spend a couple hours a month duplicating your success and probably be a millionaire within a year or so. The choice is yours. Me, I'm lazy so it'll take me longer.
So How did I get Lazy but Rich???
Well, I've always been lazy. Unfortunately, everyone in my family was a workaholic, so they loved to make me feel guilty about it. And I did feel guilty... For a loooong time. But a weird thing happened a few years back.....
I embraced my laziness, I accepted it, I began to love it. I started to sleep in late and not care. Instead of feeling guilty, I actually started to feel good about being lazy. Great, even!The rest of my friends were getting up at 8am and going to work all day. I got up at noon and watched game-shows and court TV...
I figured that if my entire family (not to mention everyone I know) gets up at 8am and goes to work all day (year in and year out) and NONE of them are rich, then I should probably do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they're doing.
Now I won't bore you with the details, but I'm rich now because I changed my attitude about work. I embraced my laziness. I guess in the back of my mind, I'd always had the idea that I wanted to make a lot of money without really having to work at it. I'll go out on a limb here and say that maybe you've had that same idea. But you, like me, probably didn't realize how easy it really is to get rich without doing anything. But guess what my IS easy!
Want Proof??? Check this out!!!
Now let me put something into perspective here. How much money do you want? You can have as much as you want but there comes a point where you might have to begin actually working more to get there. Personally, if I can make 10 to 15 grand a month without working then I'm fine. I know I could make more, but I'm not really into buying "things" and I'm certainly not into more work.....
I like to experience life. I like to be free. AND don't forget, I'm extremely LAZY!The five minutes I've spent writing this so far is probably the most work (if you can call it "work") that I've done all month. But hey, I'm mostly just amusing myself. Okay so I will give you a hint at how I got rich without really doing anything. I started out by reading a lot of ebooks. I mean a lot! I was looking for the one that would make me rich. And a lot of them promised the world but delivered very little in the way of actual real world useful information.I'd spent 100's of dollars and was still eating bologna sandwiches and mac and cheese. My credit cards were getting maxed out. But I didn't care, I was embracing my laziness and it felt good. I knew in my heart that it was only a matter of time before I would have enough money to get out of debt and make a lot more money than I could spend. I just didn't realize how close I was....That's when I found this guys ebook, The Rich Jerk. I instantly knew it was different from all the other crap. Why? Because, first off, he showed me EXACTLY what to do to make REAL Money on the Internet, Fast. Also, he made me laugh and the guy was straight up. No BS, like the other programs I'd seen.
Seriously, there are a lot of scams on the Internet today. You have to be really careful, not just for the money you spend, but the time that you spend putting a site together and using some of those fly-by-night strategies... But I can assure you 100% that The Rich Jerk is the real deal. It may not make you a millionaire overnight, but it will get you started in that direction.
And it's not a very long read. Just 5 brilliant ways to make money on the internet.
If I had not found this ebook I'm certain I would still be in debt up to my eyeballs. Why? Because I'm just too incredibly lazy to get a 'real job' and pay it off. And hey, I'm still lazy. But now I get to do whatever I want while being lazy.
Some Testimonials from the Rich Jerk
I've never made ANY money online. My monthly salary in my country is US $300. After reading your book I've already started making money. So far in November I've earned a total of $2,712 in NET PROFIT. Well, $2,712 is a LOT of profit for me! But, I'm confident the earning will increase!Kiantoro Lie - Indonesia
I just wanted to say thanks for providing such excellent advice. I didn't know anything at all about making websites 6 months ago. I read your ebook, started a site, and by just using one of your techiniques I made $1,400 last month on one site. Now that I know what I'm doing, the sky is the limit. Thanks again!Jesse Witham
The Rich Jerk may be a rich jerk, but I know his book is good. Using just one of his ideas on Page 13 I made $2,500.....Last week. Jeff Mulligan
I'd always wanted to travel but never had the money. Now I have both the time and money to go anywhere. Just this year, I've been to Barcelona for 2 weeks, Paris for a a week, the south of France, Boston, L.A. and Las Vegas. Vegas 3 times! Great place to spend money! And I'm a pretty decent poker player but I don't make any money at it. Who cares, I'm rich! I don't need to.
Let me show you really quickly what I'm talking about... Here are a couple of statements from the site that took me 3 days to set up....
The site was built in late September.
And this is just ONE technique from The Rich Jerk that I'm using. This site literally took me 3 days to set up and (to be totally honest) there's nothing clever about it. I know I could make more of these sites and probably make ten times the amount, but as you know, I'm lazy!I'm positive that YOU could do much better than I have because there's no way possible that you're as lazy as I am. Honestly, I don't care if you make more money than me. I'm doing this to bankroll my lazy lifestyle. Maybe you'd like to support a charity or something noble like that. That'd be great!!!
But if you are at all lazy or just want to stop working at your regular job or you just want more time to do whatever you want to do then click the link below and get the Rich Jerk eBook. You could be reading it in just a few minutes and on your way to a LAZY but RICH lifestyle like mine.
Just try one of his techniques and you'll be on your way. And oh yeah, there's a great community message board that you can only access if you own the book. You'll find a lot of other people there that are making loads of money and will show you how to go about setting up your own site etc etc. So if you're just starting out it's extremely easy.
Don't wait another minute. Don't let your laziness or procrastination NOW get in the way of your being able to procrastinate and be as lazy as you want for the rest of your life!!!
Getting richer and loving it,
Howard Saunders (Lazy but Rich!)
P.S. Last year it was really hard for me to shell out the $200 bucks for the Rich Jerk, but as you can see, I'm definitely glad I did! I can hardly believe the discount he's offering it for now. But even though it's way cheaper now (I mean WAY cheaper), don't let that keep you from putting at least ONE of the 5 strategies to work. The value is still there even if you are getting it for much less. And I want you to have the same success with it that I have!
P.P.S. The Rich Jerk just finished a new infomercial and is now offering the Rich Jerk in a 'Booklet with CD' format that you can have shipped to you. Personally I'd get the ebook because you get it INSTANTLY (and you get free updates for life PLUS the use of the private message board)... With the shipping cost it ends up being the same price anyway. BUT, because of the new infomercial there's no telling how much longer the eBook will be available to the public. He may even have stopped selling them already. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulled a stunt like that. (After all, he is a jerk). You can click here to check:
Click here for more info on the Ebook Format
If by the time you read this, there aren't any eBooks left, Not To Worry, you can still get the Rich Jerk shipped to you by going here.
Click here if you'd prefer Rich Jerk shipped to you by Mail in 7-10 days
And both of them give you a full 60 day Risk Free Trial. If you're making a few hundred bucks per day within a week, like I was though, then you won't really need that. But if by some crazy cosmic weirdness you are actually lazier than I am, then maybe it'd be nice to have that safety net.
Keep in mind, this guy IS a jerk (You'll find out why when you click through to his website). But don't let that stop you from letting HIM make YOU RICH!!!.